Thembie Moth

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Leonar main art

This is the main folder of Leonar's art, however there is a significant amount more than this. If you would like to see the rest of his art, simply click HERE.

'All the bright, precious things fade so fast, and they don’t come back. In the end, memories are all you keep.'Artist: @GreenOvium on Twitter
If you're an artist looking for a more in detail reference sheet, follow this link.

'A somber ride through Quel'Thalas reminded Leonar of how things were and of how things could have been. In spite of everything, it was - and always would be - home.'Artist: @GreenOvium on Twitter

"I've been so afraid of hurting that I have forgotten to simply live."Artist: @SanSlugdog on Twitter

'When a man is denied the right to live the life he believes in, he has no choice but to become an outlaw.'Artist: @bigmamaheals on Twitter

'He didn't know who would leave or who would stay, so he pushed all of them away.'Artist: @illidari_ on Twitter

"You barely know me. We're just friends, nothing more."Artist: @SanSlugdog on Twitter

"Life is a cycle, a great wheel that turns throughout time: we are born, we live, we die, and (if we are lucky) we are reborn again."Artist: @phoebeillustrating on Instagram

'Despite his outward demeanor, Leonar's eyes of turquoise blue told more of story about himself than he ever could.'Artist: @ShaniceTJN on Twitter

'When others got too close to him, they soon realized the ren'dorei was nothing like the façade they had come to know.'Artist: @SanSlugdog on Twitter

'Freedom was all Leonar had ever really wanted. For as long as he could remember, even as a child, it was his driving force behind most anything he did.'Artist: @SanSlugdog on Twitter

'In hindsight, it perhaps wasn't the best Winter's Veil gift he could have bought her. Then again, she would have found one herself eventually. One way or another.'Artist: @ArtistgemOpal on Twitter

"I did grow up. I outgrew my ideals which turned to dust and ashes. They were shattered into nothing more than fragments of my former self."Artist: @TheIronleaf on Twitter

'The tortured spirits of your ancestors cling to you, screaming in silence.'Artist: @SuramarElf on Twitter

"When I was little, mom would sometimes ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up. Every time she asked, I had a different answer for her but none quite fit right. None were me. Now, looking back at it, I know what I'd tell her - I want to be kind."Artist: Draxr - Moon Guard

'Leonar sought redemption but he always seemed to look for it in the wrong places.'Artist: @SuramarElf on Twitter

'You set sail alone, there is no crew
No one on the deck who can help you
This is all your own battle to win
This is your ship, and you are the captain.'
Artist: @SolisNumen9 on Twitter

'A million "what ifs" ran through Leonar's mind and tormented him. But the way he carried himself? Most would never know.'Artist: @eluneprismpower on Twitter

"If I had any advice for my younger self, it would be this - don't love. Don't let yourself fall for people and care about them like I did. It brings nothing but heartache."Artist: Draxr - Moon Guard

"I keep running - running from what I am and what I have become. But it's exhausting and, no matter how hard I try, I can't escape it."Artist: @Goobijen on Twitter

"Magical chickens, plucked from the very inner reaches of Netherstorm. Each hand selected and each finer than the last. And for you, my friend, one would cost little more than a few gold pieces."Artist: Keledron on Moon Guard

"There's a sting in the way you kiss me. Something about this, that look in your eyes, says it could be the last time..."Artist: @Corvidcain on Twitter

"I don't want anyone to know pain and loss like I have. If I can just bring them back, then everything would be right with the world."Artist: @Corvidcain on Twitter

"I've seen you and what you do. You call yourself my friend when you are anything but. And yet, they still believe you. Just as I used to."Artist: @SuramarElf on Twitter

'Even when he dressed up and played the part, Leonar was nothing more than a pawn to be used by his father. He had proven it time and time again.'Artist: @BRAlNZ on Twitter

Leonar Lore™

If you would like to learn about my main OC, Leonar, then you're in the right place. Be warned that this does contain story spoilers for him so if you would like to learn these things organically through RP, I advise you to click away now.The following is quite long, but even it is a TLDR version of events. Everything you read occurred over several years of roleplay and writing Leonar. Understandably, it is quite hard to condense that much information into something that makes sense.

Possible TW/CW for mentions of death, childloss, abuse, & drug use.

Leonar was born 'Leonar Lutey Goldenglade' to his mother, Valkyran Moonstrider, and his step-father, Claudelin Goldenglade. His father by blood, Jon Andorthal, was absent entirely throughout his childhood - presumed dead. Although he was born in Silvermoon City, he grew up in his family's home in Grizzly Hills for the vast majority of his childhood. Well, what childhood he had.No older than four, Leonar was aged artificially with a magic not unlike chronomancy. His head filled with memories that weren't his own, yet he saw himself in place of the true owner.Despite being a grown man in both body and mind, the insecurities of a less than traditional upbringing stuck with him. In an attempt to try and mask those insecurities, he took to growing his facial hair out like a "real man" and tried to play the part.

With his mother now having passed and his father by blood still presumed dead, Leonar sought mentorship from both Claudelin and his uncle of no true relation - Lorian Astor. Both men played no small part in growing Leonar into who he was to become. The bard, Claudelin, help found a healthy love of music, literature, and - almost surprisingly - flowers. Lorian, an ex-magister, taught him almost everything he knew of the arcane.When it came to magic, Leonar could almost be considered a prodigy - although it was not without reason. During her pregnancy with him, his mother had meddled with magics she rightly should not have touched and, as a result, Leonar had become gifted with said magics. Although he studied in several fields of the arcane, he flourished in the field of arcane transmutation - the manipulation of time and space.When not studying with his uncle, Leonar sought out knowledge of other arcane fields of magic. Frowned upon, he studied necromancy in secret with but one other in the undergrounds of Dalaran. He never had any ill-will towards anyone, nor did he have intentions to hurt anyone, but he didn't want people to know the loss and suffering he had felt when his mother had passed. Necromancy, in his mind, was the answer. Not for his mother, as she had long since passed, but for others who had only been lost for mere moments. Those, he thought, may have a chance.Despite his good intentions, studying necromancy brought him nothing but troubles. During one of his lessons early on, he tried to bring back a small animal to practice with. Instead of fueling the lifeless body with warped arcane magic as intended though, he accidently pulled some of his own life out and poured it into the creature. In doing so - and although he wouldn't know until years later - his own life was cut short. Instead of living for hundreds of years like the rest of his kin, he would be lucky to make it to sixty. Immediately though, the only sign of any difference was part of his hair being stripped of all color. A small sign of the aging that was to come.

In the years following, Leonar's life was full of up's and down's. He found out his father of blood relation, Jon, was alive and well. He made friends. He found love. He got his first job. And he eventually bought his first home.But he also lost everyone he cared about. Divorce found his relationship almost as soon as marriage had. He fought in a war he rightly should not have even been to, loosing his arm in the process. He became a wanted man and false accusations roamed through the cities. His house and almost everything he owned, seized by the law. And, worst of all in his eyes, was his father.The man he once dreamed of knowing and who he followed almost blindly was nothing more than a criminal who seemed to only look out for himself and those few close to him. The man freely gave Leonar's soul - the soul of his only son - to a void lord so that he could secure more power for himself. This embrace with the void left a scar on Leonar's very being, changing who he was forever.

That in of itself would have broken Leonar, and it very nearly did, but there was one final thing that pushed him over the edge. Friends, who he trusted immeasurably, led him to an unsuspecting underground building where he was caught, imprisoned, and tortured for six long years. He was starved, on the very brink of death at any given moment, but was never quite allowed to succumb to his condition.Leonar, despite being that same soft flower-loving man deep down, became jaded from both all that he had been through but what he had seen. Those few he still held close to him now followed Jon, manipulated by his charm and ideals. Just like his father was to him, world was cruel to all who dwelled upon it. Why bother trying to be a good person when the law saw him as a criminal anyway? That's how he saw it and soon most of those false accusations became true. He worked with what had been given to him, and that was a poor hand at best.

On the run from the law and estranged from everything he once knew, Leonar changed his surname. He didn't want to be associated with the noble name of Goldenglade he had been born with, nor did he want his fathers name of Andorthal. Instead, he renamed himself 'Leonar Soulwhisper' - so named for the gift he had been born with of being able to see the souls of those around him.Most would consider it a blessing but Leonar thought it to be a curse. Not only could he see the living souls of those around him, giving everyone an almost double vision as they moved, but he saw the souls of the dead too. For each soul that was quiet and simply passing by, there were ten more that screamed out in lost mourning. Night and day. It was enough to drive even the most well adjusted man mad and he delt with it the only way he knew how - drugs.It was that drug use - the only coping mechanism he knew of - which led to his divorce years prior. That same divorce subsequently led to his children - twins - being taken away from him. It was for good reason, of course, but he never saw it that way. They were his and no one had the right to take them. Not the law. Not his ex-spouse. No one.With his son having since passed from SIDS, only his daughter remained and he was determined to win her back. Fueled on by anger and sorrow at the loss of his son, he felt it his right and responsibility to get her back by any means necessary. When push came to shove, he broke into his ex-spouse's new partners home and nearly killed the man. But at least now he had Xynaria, his only child.Now on the run, from not only several authoritative agencies but also his ex-spouse, Leonar stole a ship, put together a small but loyal crew, and set to sail Azeroth. In this way, and as much as he would never admit it, he took after his own father - both ran away from their problems and took security in the open ocean. Never staying in any one place too long, and sailing where ever the wind took him, Leonar evaded everyone who wanted him dead. Or worse.Where once he had been an anxious young man, he was now a confident captain. Overly so. It had been so long since he had a brush with any real threat of capture that he had grown lax in his ways. Ports were stayed at for weeks at a time. His name was given freely and he brought near strangers onto his ship. It was this overconfidence and lack of care which led to his ship being taken by SI:7 - himself and Xynaria nearly getting captured in the process.Now in his thirties, Leonar travels Azeroth on horseback with Xynaria who is five as of this year. They make camp where ever they are, but have a main camp not too far from Stormwind - although it is hidden in the forest away from prying eyes. Here Leonar is safe from the law and from the consequences of all he has done wrong. It was home. Not only for himself, but for Xynaria and their animals too.While he can run from the law, he cannot run from the more physical consequences of bad decisions he made in his youth. His few strands of silvering hair are now far more prominent and even stain his facial hair these days. He looks tired with his youthful vigor starting to fade. The small lines in his face would portray him as an elf well into his hundreds, not his thirties.For all he tried to run, consequences would eventually catch up to him in all regards. Sooner rather than later he would not be able to run anymore, for he was growing old and tired.

Reference Sheet for Artists

This is Leonar's reference sheet for artists. He is 6' 2" tall. I've provided the image as a whole as well as a gallery you can scroll through to see the smaller details.- Leonar has six (6) void tendrils in total. At most, only four (4) can be seen from the front at any time. The rest hang over his back.- Leonar is an amputee and his body itself ends where shown on both right limbs. The rest - the purple - is formed of magic and is slightly translucent in nature. These two limbs can be dispelled, leaving just a nub at each location. When drawing them, keep in mind the magic is formed around said nubs.- Freckles not just on his cheeks but also on his shoulders with a few more scattered about over his body.- Eyes have small age wrinkles in each far corner. They also have a blue glow to them.- Facial hair has greying hairs through it.- Long silly Warcraft elf eyebrows.